Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Naturalfarmingpalekarway - Paddy cultivation at Musuri in Tamil Nadu

We are pleased at the success of Shri Annadurai a farmer from Musuri in Tamil Nadu. I understand that had attended the conference of Shri Palekar conducted under the auspicious of PASUMAI VIKATAN at Dindugal last year. After attending the conference he has followed the Palekarway and cultivated Paddy in his field. He has happily reported an yeild of 2100 kilos per acre on Ponni variety without any inorganic inputs of fretiliser or pesticides or inscetcides or fungicides or any other "dealer supplied" items.

We will shortly publish an interview of this successful farmer in our blogspot for the benefit of lovers of Naturalfarming and for the benefit of farming community in general.

We welcome informations and reports from those who know of other similar success stories so that we can share the same for the benefit of farming community.

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